Merchandise and Assortment Planning (MAP) is very niche area in SAP IS Retail. Actually MAP is very interesting and can be considered as core and important part of any business. The Merchandise and Assortment Planning actually define's the retailer's strategies after analyzing the market trends and consumer shifts.
Right product at right place at right time is very essential need to grow any business, and this what MAP makes easy.
Right product at right place at right time is very essential need to grow any business, and this what MAP makes easy.
Merchandising and Assortment Planning includes four parts:
1. Strategic Plan
2. Merchandise Plan
3. Store Plan
4. Assortment Plan
Strategic Plan - The strategic target (Sales, Margin, Cost etc) for the company at different distribution chain is decided by the top management. CFO, CEO does this planning. Strategic Planning consists of
Strategic Plan - plan targets at Company & Distribution